Arweave aims to permanently secure the world's knowledge by using blockchain-based storage. They do this by creating a permanent, decentralized, and unalterable record of data. This could b […]
Audius is a decentralized music streaming platform that allows artists to share their music directly with listeners, without the need for intermediaries such as record labels.
Chainlink is software that allows the integration of real-world data (eg football scores, share prices, etc) into automated smart contracts. They use an open-source decentralized blockchain […]
Dimitra is an established company bringing the latest agricultural technology to small-holding farmers in developing nations worldwide. Working with governments, NGOs, development banks, et […]
Enjin is an NFT ecosystem creating, trading, distributing, and integrating NFTs. They started with a focus on gaming and providing the tools necessary for developers and users to benefit fr […]
Using blockchain technology they offer fractionalized ownership of real-world property investments. A minimal investment allows proportional ownership of an appreciating property asset whil […]
Gala Games is a play-to-earn Gaming Ecosystem that allows players to own in-game digital assets and earn Cryptocurrency / non-fungible tokens (NFTs) through gameplay.
The Internet Computer is a bold project that builds on the current version of the Internet. With Internet Computer the Software/Applications that you access would be actioned, as well as st […]
Livepeer provides an open-source decentralized video infrastructure for others to use. They reduce the costs of video streaming by avoiding a central infrastructure and instead using a netw […]
Metropoly is a decentralized project that offers fractionalized ownership of income-generating real estate. They create an NFT that is linked to a specific real-world property. They then sp […]
Numerai is a hedge fund that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) and thousands of crowdsourced machine learning models to make stock market predictions.
The aim of Ocean Protocol is to spread the benefits of AI by equalizing the opportunity to access and monetize data. Verifiable data sources can maintain ownership and privacy whilst supply […]
SingularityNet is a marketplace for AI creators. They can list their algorithms/software and then businesses can pick and choose their requirements. A key feature is that the projects may h […]
Starknet is a secure, decentralized network technology that makes transactions on the Ethereum Blockchain faster and cheaper.
Storj is a decentralized data storage project. They encrypt the files before splitting them amongst nodes all around the world offering high security, privacy, fast delivery, resilience aga […]
Theta Network provides a decentralized infrastructure that enables existing video and media platforms to increase income and reduce content delivery costs while rewarding end-users for shar […]