The Hotbit Crypto Exchange currently has the most coins at 1576, if you are comparing centralized Crypto Exchanges.
However, Hotbit is not available to US customers and has an Exchange score of only 3.5 out of 10 on …..(which is like getting 3.5/10 on IMDB ….how desperate would you have to be to say yes to that! )
So if like us, you are actually interested in comparing the top 10 Centralised Crypto Exchanges then we have compiled a helpful table below.
(If you are not bothered by the Exchange Score then go here and click on the Coins column to sort the table)
- Our Top 10 Centralized Crypto Exchanges with the most coins.
- What Decentralised Crypto Exchange has the most coins?
- Top 10 DEX’s with the most coins.
- What are Exchange/Trust scores?
- Which Exchanges list the Crypto you are looking for?
- How WE choose a Crypto Exchange
- Joining Multiple Exchanges
Our Top 10 Centralized Crypto Exchanges with the most coins.
(All the above information came from March 2022)
What Decentralised Crypto Exchange has the most coins?
Pancakeswap (v2) decentralized crypto exchange has the most supported coins at 4090 and is the 3rd biggest DEX by market share after Uniswap (v3) and Serum DEX.
Top 10 DEX’s with the most coins.
(All the above information came from Coingecko March 2022)
What are Exchange/Trust scores?
Websites like CoinMarketcap and Coingecko can help you gauge the relative safety of a crypto exchange by giving it a score.
CoinMarketCap ranks and scores exchanges based on the following:
Web Traffic Factor; Average Liquidity; Volume, as well as the Confidence that the volume reported by an exchange is legitimate. Weights are assigned to the above-mentioned factors and a score from 0.0 to 10.0 is given to the Exchange.
CoinMarketCap exchange score link:
CoinGecko exchange score link:
Which Exchanges list the Crypto you are looking for?
If you have heard of a specific crypto coin/token you want to buy but don’t know which Exchanges support it, you can use CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko to find out.
You simply go to their website (using the links above), search for the crypto using their search box, and then scroll towards the bottom of the page to find the Markets heading which lists all the exchanges where you can buy that coin or token.
How WE choose a Crypto Exchange
When choosing a Crypto Exchange to register with, we look at the exchange score, what fees are charged, what payment methods they support, and how secure they are….(especially if we need to provide KYC details such as I.D)
We are not keen on giving out our personal ID details with an underlying fear of identity fraud!
However, many of the Alt-Coins are not listed on the bigger exchanges!
Joining Multiple Exchanges
We have found that it is necessary to join more than one crypto exchange in order to buy, sell, stake, and trade all the different crypto we are interested in.
It is difficult to find one exchange that does it all!
We currently use two favorite centralized exchanges (Binance and Kraken), that have high Exchange Scores, for the majority of our crypto trading and then one or more risky exchanges when it comes to buying newly launched crypto that is not yet listed by the bigger exchanges.
We tend to not leave crypto on the more risky exchanges once we have bought it, we move it to a secure wallet.